• arabalardaki gosterge panelinin ecnebice teknik terimi. bu dashboard butun on konsola verilen isimdir aslen.
  • bir raporlama aracındaki (bkz: business intelligence) tüm görsel işlevlerin toplanabildiği tek ekrana genel olarak verilen isim.
  • ing. pano, tablo.
  • cok harika, pek harika! nerdeyse float on kadar güzel olan cok eglenceli, güzel güzel modest mouse sarkisi.

    well it would have been, could have been, worse than you would ever know.
    oh the dashboard melted but we still have the radio.
    oh should have been, could have been, worse than you would ever know.
    well you told me about nowhere well it sounds like some place i'd like to go.
    oh it could have been, should have been, worse than you would ever know.
    well the wind shield was broken but i love the fresh air you know (the dashboard melted but we still have the radio).
    well it would have been, could have been, worse than you would ever know (the dashboard melted but we still have the radio).
    well we talked about nothing which was more than i wanted to know-ow-ow-ow-ow.
    now here we go!
    oh would have been could have been worse then it had even gone.
    well the car was on blocks but i was already where i want (it was impossible we really couldn't we really couldn't)
    oh should have we ever even after everything get to tomorrow (it was impossible we really couldn't we really couldn't)
    oh cause the world don't like us it'll shake us just like we were co-o-o-o-ld
    now here we go!
    well we schemed and schemed but we always blow it we've yet to crash but we still matters where we do it standing out like swiss cheese switch east and west from right every thought was your surprise in the evening was condolences.
    so it wasn't quite as bad as, well it would have could have been worse then you would ever know.
    i was patiently erasing but recording your own emphasis after you proved my point wrong it wasn't like i'd let it go.
    yea, it would have been could have been worse then you would ever know.
    oh the dashboard melted but we still had the radio (the dashboard melted but we really couldn't really couldn't)
    hardwired to conceive so much we had to stow it even except these times johns with bonny at johns.
    don't wear eyelids so i don't miss the last laugh of the show (the dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
    well we could have should have been worse then you would ever know (the dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
    well you told me about no one but instead about someplace i'd like to go.
    now here we go!
    well we schemed and schemed but we always blow it we've yet to crash the place but we still matters where we do it standing out like swiss cheese switch east and west from right every thought was your surprise in the evening was condolences.
    so it wasn't quite as bad as,
    would have been could have been worse then you would ever know.

    cok da sahane bir klibi var**, erisimi olanlar icin:
  • ahhh be ben yönetmen olsaydım böyle bi şarkıya ne klip çekerdim dedirten şarkıdır. daha iyi klibi hakeden şarkılardandır.
  • dashboard da bulunan widgetlari masaustunuze* tasimaniz ve dashboard acik degilken bile devamli surette gorebilmeniz mumkundur.

    nasi yapilir?

    oncelikle terminal adli application acilir.(application klasorunde utilities icinde bulabilirsiniz) acilan pencereden komut satirina su ifade girilir, entera basilir: "defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode yes"

    bundan sonra log out - log in yaptiktan sonra dashboard acilir. fakat oncesinde dashboard acma kapama islemi icin bir kısayol tusu atamamiz sarttirr. default olarak bu tus f12 dir lakin ibook, powerbook gibi dizustu bir sistem kullaniyorsaniz ayni tus eject disk isleminide gerceklestirdiginden calismayacaktir. bu veya baska bir nedenle dashboard kisayol tusuyla acilmiyorsa system preferences a gidip dasboard&exposé ayarlarindan bir tus atamak sarttir nitekim kendisini az sonra kullanicaz.

    son olarak hali hazirda acik dashboard'dan istedigimiz widgeti mouse yordamiyla tutarken kisayol tusuyla dasboardu kapatarak masaustune doner widgeti da oraciga birakiveririz. tabi biraktigimiz yerin masaustu olmasi sart degildir. hayirli olsun.

  • mac os x tigerda gelen yeni bir ozellik. desktop uzerinde widgetlerle donatilabilen, her an ihtiyaciniz olan widgetlarla gayet iyi bir fikir. bunun bir benzerini konfabulator ile gerceklestirmek de mumkun.
  • firmalarda sürekli kullanılan raporların bulunduğu dijital pano. hepsi otomatik hale getirilmiştir. anlık güncellenenleri vardır. departmanlarda rapor hazırlayanların işini müthiş kolaylaştırır. excelde hazırlamak günler alabilir
  • 7 yil aradigim sarki sansima dun cok sacma bi yerde karsima cikti ve sadece 7 yil once bi kere dinlememe ragmen o oldugunu hemen anladim. suan ust uste dinleyerek arayi kapatiyorum. *
  • apple'in mac os x tiger ve leopard isletim sistemlerinde bulunan ve zannimca windows'a nazaran en sekilli ozelligidir. tek tusla ekraniniz hafifce kararir, mail, safari, pages gibi programlarin oldugu dunyanizdan daha eglenceli mistik bir dunyaya gecis yaparsiniz. dashboard'a ekleyebileceginiz widget'lar (bkz: widget) arasinda sing that itune! ve chesspuzzle hostur.
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