• ne oldugu azicik karisik mars. evet bu mars kongre tarafindan amerika birlesik devletleri'nin milli marsi olarak kabul edilmistir ama bizim anladigimiz anlamda milli mars degildir. marstir, millidir ama bizim dag basini duman almis tarzi bir millilik.
    istiklal marsi anlamindaki amerika mili marsi icin
    (bkz: the star spangled banner)
  • sözlerini de yazayım tam olsun:

    let martial note in triumph float
    and liberty extend its mighty hand
    a flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,
    the banner of the western land.
    the emblem of the brave and true
    its folds protect no tyrant crew;
    the red and white and starry blue
    is freedom's shield and hope.

    other nations may deem their flags the best
    and cheer them with fervid elation
    but the flag of the north and south and west
    is the flag of flags, the flag of freedom's nation.

    hurrah for the flag of the free!
    may it wave as our standard forever,
    the gem of the land and the sea,
    the banner of the right.
    let despots remember the day
    when our fathers with mighty endeavor
    proclaimed as they marched to the fray
    that by their might and by their right
    it waves forever.

    let eagle shriek from lofty peak
    the never-ending watchword of our land;
    let summer breeze waft through the trees
    the echo of the chorus grand.
    sing out for liberty and light,
    sing out for freedom and the right.
    sing out for union and its might,
    o patriotic sons.

    other nations may deem their flags the best
    and cheer them with fervid elation,
    but the flag of the north and south and west
    is the flag of flags, the flag of freedom's nation.

    hurrah for the flag of the free.
    may it wave as our standard forever
    the gem of the land and the sea,
    the banner of the right.
    let despots remember the day
    when our fathers with mighty endeavor
    proclaimed as they marched to the fray,
    that by their might and by their right
    it waves forever.
  • unlu besteci john philip sousa'nin 'magnum opus'u denilen eser, amerika birlesik devletleri'nin "national march"idir, "national anthem"i degil.
  • ana melodisini herkesin bildigi ama adini pek kimsenin bilmedigi marslardan birisi. cok askeri bi mars degildir, bandoyla calinir ama universite etkinliginden spor musabakalarina her yerde duymak mumkun, biraz bizim "dag basini duman almis" gibi.

    sozlerini de yazayim:

    diiin dii diri diim diri diim
    diri diiim diri diim diri rii diim dii
    dii diri diim diri diiim
    diridii diriri diii diim..
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