4 entry daha
  • 16 haziran 2023'de vizyona girmesi planlanan, anderson'ın senaryosunu roman coppola ile birlikte yazdığı, kurgusal bir amerikan çöl kasabasında 1955 yılında geçecek wes anderson filmi.

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    focus features has dated wes anderson’s next movie asteroid city for june 16, 2023. do we smell a cannes selection? pic will go even wider on june 23. universal, as previously reported, has overseas.

    focus previously teamed with anderson and ındian paintbrush on 2012’s moonrise kingdom.

    asteroid city, written by anderson based on a story he co-wrote with roman coppola, takes place in a fictional american desert town circa 1955.

    synopsis: the itinerary of a junior stargazer/space cadet convention (organized to bring together students and parents from across the country for fellowship and scholarly competition) is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events.

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124 entry daha
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